Sheehan Running For Governor

Cindy Sheehan has announced that she will run for Governor of California in 2014. She will be run as a candidate for the Peace and Freedom Party.

Be careful watching this video. Sheehan’s opinion of Democrat Governor Jerry Brown causes her to swear.

Voyage Vixens In Calaveras County

Two ladies called the “Voyage Vixens” drove from Los Angeles to Calaveras County.

As they highlight their activities in southern Calaveras County, you may find yourself enjoying the area through the eyes of two tourists who are both exploring and discovering what we often take for granted. You may also spot a few people you know around the Murphy’s area.

Take note on KVML’s influence on one restaurant owner whenever he hears, “It’s a burn day”.

Sonora High Footage From Late 60’s

This is film footage of Sonora High School, titled as being in the late 60’s, although some viewers suspect that this may be from the mid 70’s!!! Although the campus looks virtually the same, the vehicles parked around campus have changed considerably. Nearly forty years later, do you recognize anyone?

Did Obama Lie?

Using his monitors in order to publicly speak, Obama read that “If you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan” on a number of occasions. Will the President soon issue (or read) an apology or is this a deceptive thirty second compilation of his claims?

Healthcare.Gov Worker Fired For Talking To Sean Hannity?

Earline Davis was working the telephone lines for the help line, when Sean Hannity called up during the middle of his radio program. She was let go the next day for having gone on the air and answering Hannity’s questions. Watch her story here.

Sean Hannity is heard every weekday on AM 1450 KVML from Noon through 3pm.

Cattle Theft Increasing In California

(Sacramento Bee) – Cattle rustling is on the rise in Californiae.

Last year, 1,317 head of cattle were reported stolen or missing in California, said Greg Lawley, chief of the state’s Bureau of Livestock Identification. That’s a 22 percent increase from what was reported before the recession.

“We assume this is an outgrowth of cattle price rise,” Lawley said.

In many instances a cow can sell easily for $1,000. Cattle prices have been increasing steadily, with prices hitting record highs in 2011 and 2012, according to the USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service.

Unlike the old days, when stolen cattle were herded on horseback, today’s rustlers use trailers and trucks. “The speed of transport means you can load up a gooseneck trailer full of cattle and be in Colorado 24 hours later,” Lawley said.

Central Valley cattle rancher Mark Beck has had four steers stolen this year from his ranches in Sacramento, San Joaquin and Calaveras counties. “The thieves loaded them by roadways where there is easy access,” he said. “Sometimes they shoot the cattle and butcher them where they find them.”

Beck sees it as a crime driven by economics. “The way the job market has been since 2008, people are getting desperate, and they’re stealing things,” Beck said.